Wednesday, January 6, 2016

2016 - A Year of Unknowns

The Huffington Post had an article about the major changes that have taken place in 2015 in regard to lung cancer detection and treatment.  Here is the link:  2015 - turning the tide against lung cancer .  I would encourage everyone with a history of smoking to have the CT screening test the article talks about.  The test only takes a few minutes, and it's much easier to treat this disease if it is caught at an earlier stage.

While the article is full of hope and promise, it also cites the very sobering statistic that less than half of all women diagnosed with lung cancer will be alive one year after diagnosis.  Since I am coming up on month 8 and still feeling well enough to work and exercise, I am very grateful that immune therapy is working, but the question remains - for how long?  And the answer - no one knows!

I had a second PET scan in December that showed great reductions in the cancer in and around my lungs, however there is still some and in numerous areas.  Too many for Dr. C to recommend any radiation or surgery options.  The scan reflects how I have been feeling lately - healthier than last spring and summer, but far from normal.  For now, I continue with my routine of bi-weekly treatment, and I have registered for some upcoming classes - drumming for wellness, restorative yoga and urban Zen.  In 2016, I am officially coming out of the  'New Age' closet!